Struggle – a decided advantage

I was encouraged today as I read from one of the many unfinished books lying on my desk: “Far from being a disadvantage, struggle is a decided advantage, because it develops those qualities which would lie dormant forever without it” (Napoleon Hill, 1928, p.103).

That’s a relief.

I struggle with so many things. I struggle to understand, to connect, to make choices, to love well, to be consistent (the list goes on…). The more I embrace my desire to move forward, to contribute, to make a difference (whether in my personal or professional life) the more I seem to find myself in in the company of struggle. It would seem, engaging intentionally and honestly with the reality and complexity of life, comes at some cost. Life and its inherent uncertainties sting a little.

Instead of running away and hiding in a hole (my preferred escape route!), Hill’s words reminded me of the inherent value of holding on and pushing through when things get tough. He reminded me of the wealth that exists in my life because I have found a way through struggles and not given up. He also reminded me of the danger and poverty that can come when things come to easily.

I will walk into today intent on embracing the struggles that come my way, confident that in any difficulty lies a treasure for the persevering heart.


Sticking together